I had a very productive audition for the film "The Wailing". Got to work with a good friend of mine who was reading for another role in the film. It was fun and made the audition process very relaxing.
On Saturday night had the first table read for the play "Asylum" and it went over rather well. The writing is very strong an clear. The following day we had our first official reherasal at the director's apartment between myself and the young actress who is playing my daughter. We had a good discussion about the play, characters and the nuances in the relationship between the father and daughter. Very informative. I look forward to the next few weeks of rehearsals. Much to learn.
Just got cast in Jennifer Lane's Asylum directed by Ricardo Lima
I had alot of fun tonight doing NY Madness. Got the chance to do a really neat little p[lay titled "The Answer" written by Greg Paul. With less than two hours of rehearsals we did a pretty good job. It was also fun to see a lot of old colleagues. Nice creative atomsphere. can't wait to do it again.
Just got cast in a special reaing of "The Flight of The Ibis" written by Alan Roland and
directed by opera director Beth Greenbrg. The play is to be presented on November 17th at Saint Peter's Sanctuary in Citicorp building. I had a lot of fun tonight at the HOLAFestival reading of Tony Ruiz's piece Yolandonomics. A fun read and afterwards got to meet the great verteran Latino actor Mateo Gomez.
Second public reading of Mentiras Bellas revealed much for me. The re-write that were done during this scenod production improved the text, but this second reading also revealed that there is still much work to do on the material. The material is very, very promising and the response is positive. It's gonna be a long, but productive development process, but I think this particular play is worth it.
First and only rehearsal for reading of Mentiras Bellas (Beautiful Lies) was close to five hours long - it went by in a blink. I kid you not. Good work was done on each scene. The re-writes and adjusted scene structure has enhanced the tension in the piece. A new scene is needed, which I wrote on the train tonight. I don't know whether we'll insert it for the actual reading or perhaps save it for the next time. But really good work was done by all the actors today. I feel confident in the play and I'm very proud of the work that's been done.
June 2021
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